
Engineering Trees: Restoring UK Woodlands

It is tree planting season in the UK. With their amazing carbon storage ability, flood alleviation capacity and biodiversity boosting potential, trees are fast becoming


#93 Tomatoes and the Road to Net Zero

Something remarkable is happening in East Anglia. Waste heat from sewage treatment is being pumped into two enormous greenhouses creating low carbon heat for growing


#88 Engineering Trees

It is tree planting season in the UK. With their amazing carbon storage ability, flood alleviation capacity and biodiversity boosting potential, trees are fast becoming


Unleash the Hydrogen Potential

Author: Bernadette Ballantyne Supporter: Mott Macdonald Hydrogen is the most abundant and energy dense element in the Universe. It is the conversion of hydrogen to

Long reads

Happy Birthday Engineering Matters!

Engineering Matters is two years old! For the past 24 months we have been telling stories about engineering that is solving some of the world’s


#59 Empowering Ethical Engineering

Engineers are in a uniquely powerful position. Able to shape our built environment and so influence the direction of civilisation, the impact that their expertise

Long reads

Women Engineering a Better World

“At Engineering Matters we strive to ensure diversity and equality in our podcasts all year round. This means making sure that the work of women


The Calculator that Could Save the World

Professor David MacKay had a reputation for being the smartest person at Cambridge University – the University that educated Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Alan Turing, Dian Fossey, Ernest Rutherford, John Maynard Keynes, Michael Foale, David Attenborough, Emma Thompson and Professor Stephen Hawking.


#56 The Biodiversity Emergency

Biodiversity in the UK is facing an emergency with around 30 percent of native species becoming extinct since the 1970s. This loss of wildlife, which