In this podcast we go back in time to the invention of cathodic protection 200 years ago by President of the Royal Society Sir Humphry Davy. Initially applied to ships and pipelines, Mott MacDonald has spent decades pioneering its use on civil infrastructure designing systems for bridges and buildings around the world.
This innovative thinking is preserving and protecting structures saving asset owners millions of pounds in reconstruction costs and preventing additional carbon generation. Through case studies such as the UK’s magnificent Silver Jubilee Bridge we explore the evolution of cathodic protection systems and consider its future potential as we face growing demand to make infrastructure more sustainable.
Paul Lambert, head of materials and corrosion technology, Mott MacDonald
Ray Langley, divisional director, Mott MacDonald
Rudi Merola, senior associate for materials, Mott MacDonald
Sairah Qureshi, graduate materials engineer, Mott MacDonald