SHORT: Engineering Winners

For more than 40 years, The IET’s Young Woman Engineer of the Year Awards have been celebrating the incredible women engineers working to improve our world and shape our future to help change the outdated perception that it’s an industry just for men.

These awards are all about showcasing the best women engineering talent in this country, hopefully encouraging the next generation to get excited about the possibilities of an engineering career.

Recognising and showcasing outstanding women engineers has never been so important. 


The IET’s Young Woman Engineer of the Year Awards applications are open now and will remain open until 1 July, for more information or to enter, click here


Young Woman Engineer of the Year 2020 Ella Podmore, Materials Engineer, McLaren Automotive


The Institution of Engineering and Technology inspires, informs and influences the global engineering community to engineer a better world. As a diverse home across engineering and technology,  the IET shares knowledge that helps make better sense of the world in order to solve the challenges that matter.  The Young Woman Engineer of the Year Awards highlight brilliant women in STEM who are passionate about changing lives, making their mark and inspiring the next wave of pioneering young women in engineering.