Weather Forecasting Supercomputer in Production

The Met Office and Microsoft are working together to produce a supercomputer that can forecast weather.

In a project that will be funded by the UK Government, the machine will aim to provide both a better standard of weather forecasting and give a greater awareness of climate change according to an article on BBC News.

When finished and up and running in 2022, it is expected to be within the top 25 supercomputers on the planet.

“Working together we will provide the highest quality weather and climate datasets and ever more accurate forecasts that enable decisions to allow people to stay safe and thrive,” said Penny Endersby, who is chief executive of the Met Office.

With regards to running power, the computer will operate on 100% renewable energy and will be able to make 60 quadrillion (60,000,000,000,000,000) calculations every second to produce data such as enhanced weather models and localised forecasts.


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