A plan has been put forward that could see the UK deliver its first hydrogen town by 2030.
Five UK gas network companies – National Grid, Cadent, Northern Gas Networks, SGN and Wales & West Utilities – are working together in accordance with Britain’s Hydrogen Network Plan, according to an article on The Engineer.
To achieve the goal of Britain’s first ever hydrogen town by 2030, the plan has set targets along the way which include blending up to 20% hydrogen into local gas grids by 2023, whilst it also aims to help the UK to meet its hydrogen production target of 1GW by 2025.
This is a plan that is a part of the Energy Networks Association’s Gas Goes Green programme.
“Building the UK’s first hydrogen town is not just about replacing the natural gas that most of our homes rely upon today; it’s about reducing our carbon emissions in a safe and secure way,” says Chris Train, who is the Energy Networks Association’s Gas Goes Green champion.
“It’s about delivering meaningful choice for households, businesses and communities. And it’s about ensuring that the economic benefits of hydrogen are spread around the country, to take advantage of the breadth and scale of that transformation. Britain’s Hydrogen Network Plan sets out how our gas network companies will do all of that in the years ahead.”