How a small village in Buckinghamshire developed and delivered a clean, green, solar energy project that generates enough electricity to power over 1000 homes and uses its profits to benefit the local community.
The 4.18MW solar power project in the village of Gawcott generates three times more electricity that this community of 280 properties requires. At the same time the financing for the scheme included a community bond offer meaning that local people were able to invest in the project. Those that did now receive a 6 per cent return on their investment, and additional profits from the solar farm, which is generating in excess of initial forecasts, pay in to a fund which supports local projects. But schemes like this are under threat as the feed in taffirs that make them financially viable as set to close from April 2019.
Jake Burnyeat, managing director, Gawcott Fields Community Solar Community Interest Company
Tom Cosgrove, development manager, Communities for Renewables
Matt Harper, Harper Solar Ltd